
Emma Watson speech:
Feminism does not equal man hating
Sexism occurs throughout they’re whole life not just when people become adults
8- aware of difference
14-began to become sexualised by media
16- female friends stopping playing sports for fear becoming too muscle
18- male friends were unable to express themselves
Stigma attached to feminists, (unattractive, bossy)
No one country in the world that has equal pay for both sexes or gender equality
Gender equality is an issue for men as well as women
Men as also restricted by gender stereotypes,
Man suicide is the largest cause of death between 18-25
By men being able to not be emasculated then in term it would allow women to become more free in their own gender roles
‘If not me who, if not now when’

He for she campaign:
To allow men to take part in feminism
Stop me also feeling like they are being attacked (‘man up’)
Feminism is a two street, shouldn’t just be sporting women and degrading men
Ineffective due to the male fear of loss power over women
Should not be aimed at older generation (losing battle) but at younger more accepting generation





